Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day # 108 - Going Through The Motions

I'm not sure what it is, but I've been procrastinating this morning. I've been at the computer since 6:00AM, it's now 6:38 and I'm finally getting my rear in gear. Sure, it's Sunday and most of the world is still asleep (or just getting home from Saturday night parties) but I am awake and feeling unproductive even though I have plenty to do.

So, I sit here and I type, in the hopes of finding inspiration by going through the motions. Will it work? Only if I put my heart and soul into it.

How many of us are going through the motions? Like postal workers or other government workers, who do not have an incentive to provide efficient, quality service, but ain't going nowhere because of the retirement package at the end of the career rainbow. Do you feel inspired in your life? Do you wake up in the morning and feel like the day ahead of you is full of endless possibilities, or do you expect another endless day? You will get what you expect. May as well expect the best.

Going through the motions because you have to is a sure way to fail and be miserable. Going through the motions to find your flow is a great thing. It works. I am sitting up a little straighter than I was a while ago. I am typing a little faster. I am more awake and alert. All because I chose not to skip writing this morning.

Get up and do what you have to do. Do it with pride and do the best you can. You'll be glad you did.

- Adolfo

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