Friday, September 24, 2010

Day # 120 - Kill Your TV

With the exception of football, I have watched no TV for a couple of weeks. I'm sure I will occasionally watch the Travel Channel, sports, Discovery, etc., but what started off as a quest to live news-free has evolved.

My sister was right. She predicted that eventually I would do away with TV altogether. Ana doesn't watch TV at all. Her children have never seen a TV commercial. Seems impossible, doesn't it? Your initial reaction is that there's something wrong with that picture. Think about it a little more and you'll see there's nothing wrong with it. Everything about it is correct and perfect.

I haven't, until now, been so diligent about protecting my kids from negative influences. And yes, TV is a negative influence. My daughters are seven and five. They watch Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. Have you ever watched these crap factories? The shows are all boring, with no basis in reality (Hannah Montana, iCarly) and instead of humor, they're sarcastic. (I know some of you will say TV is supposed to be an escape and therefore need not be based in reality. This is what cartoons are for. Those suck now, too, by the way.) I watch the girls watching these shows. They don't laugh, but they are convinced these shows are funny. Could it be the canned laughter played after every "joke" has them convinced that what they're watching is funny? That's my bet.

So, there's no TV for them either. Guess what? They're fine. I occupy their minds with other things. I convinced them to do their homework at Grandma's house immediately after school and I reward them with a trip to the park or the YMCA. Otherwise, they would sit in front of the Idiot Box for three hours while waiting to be picked up and do homework at home and go to bed. All crap - no exercise. A sure formula for failure and obesity. My kids deserve better and it's my responsibility to provide it.

Start with an hour a day. Turn off the TV and read a good book or take a walk or whatever. Feed your mind. Do the same for your kids if you have any. You'll be glad you did.

- Adolfo

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