Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day # 30 - Where you stand determines where you'll land

Another great day. Except, I allowed myself to get caught up in gossip. It's not so much that I initiated or even participated in it, but I didn't distance myself from it. A willing accomplice and I am not proud of it. When you become a part of something like gossip, you are always hurting yourself and your universe. Again, you don't have to say anything to be affected by it. Think of it as second-hand smoke for the soul. You are absorbing the poisons and toxins that are leaving another person's lungs and making them part of your own. Only they are absorbed psychologically, not physiologically.

You've heard me say it before: Garbage in, garbage out. It applies to the food you eat, the air you breathe, and the words you hear. Listen to sad songs all day and you feel sad. Listen to upbeat music and your heart rate increases. Listen to people who are positive, you will be positive. Listen to people who aren't and... well, you get the point.

You are only as good as you want to be. You are as good as you allow yourself to be and a great deal of what determines this is what you hear, see, eat, drink, and associate with.

Show me who your friends are and I'll show you who you are.

Stand on principles. Whatever your principles are, they cannot be compromised. I am not saying they will never change, but once you decide what they are, they can never be compromised. If you are willing to trade those things closest to what makes you the person you are, then there is nothing you will not trade for a moment of comfort or to be accepted by whoever happens to be around at any given moment. Think bigger. Be an excellent person. Be a person of integrity. Anyone can be popular. My challenge to you is to be better.

I failed at this yesterday and I am learning from the experience but not dwelling on it. If you think I'm overreacting, take a look at yourself. Look at your friends. What do you talk about. WHO do you talk about. Did you ever gossip without looking around first? It doesn't matter where you are, you look over your shoulder first because you know you are doing wrong. You know the subject of your whispers would be hurt if they heard you, but you do it anyway.

But the good news is that there is a simple solution: STOP!


- Where you stand determines where you'll land
- Show me who your friends are and I'll show you who you are
- If you have to hide what you are saying, you probably shouldn't be saying it

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better
- I will avoid gossip and all negative talk
- I will never again be a hypocrite
- I will surround myself with positive people and I will be a positive person

Start building your Success Library!
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