Friday, July 9, 2010

Day # 43 - Don't stop

I am not in the mood to write. All things being equal, I would rather be asleep. But I made a commitment to write, and I will not miss a day...

I have had about three hours of sleep since I woke up before five on Thursday morning. It's been a rough, but successful two days. There were challenges and plenty of reasons to quit. I chose to stick it out, to allow my actions to speak. I am finally fully committed to the idea that failure is not an option. I decided that slowing down when you still have enough steam to go full speed is the exact same thing as giving up. Other people will never define me. I am a person of excellence. This is how I am forever defining myself.

It's easy to stop when the going gets tough. It's easy to give up, to quit. I know, I've done it over and over again in my life. In my old life, that is. Never again. My desire is renewed. My ambition is restored.

When I was a teenager, and all my friends were covering the walls of their rooms with pictures of muscle cars or pretty women, I plastered my walls with pictures of, and quotations from... wait for it... Donald Trump. I must have read "The Art of the Deal" ten times. I wanted it all and I knew I would have to work my butt off for it. That was the fun part.

But somewhere along the way, probably when I became a father, I left my dreams and ambitions behind. Maybe it's because I'm a little punchy, but it just occured to me how unfair that was to my children.

I plan to make it up to them.


- Don't Stop. Don't stop trying, learning, growing, improving.
- Commitment is not words, it is action.
- Find your ambition. Work it out, build it up, and set it free!

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better
- I am committed to getting the job done
- I will complete every task to the best of my abilities

I am tired and I want to go to sleep. I will soon.

Make it your best day ever. God bless you.

- Adolfo

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