Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day # 3 - I thought this was going to be hard. Maybe it is a little

It's strange how habits work. I had a great, newsless day yesterday. I got a lot accomplished. I had a stressful moment last night around seven and my instinct was to plop my but on the couch in front of the TV and tune into what was happening in the world. Literally.

On day one, I mentioned incidental contact with news. It was speculation on my part, but it turned out to be true. And avoidable. I sat down for lunch at a place in Hollywood. Nothing to read with me, alone. On one of the tables in the place, someone had left the newspaper. Part of me wanted to pick it up because that's what I would have always done. I decided against it. I quietly had my lunch. I focused on what I had done and what remained to be done that day.

I refilled my diet pepsi and walked. No Contact.

I logged on to facebook last night while making dinner (cooking is another great, positive distraction and I'm getting good at it) and learned that Gary Coleman had passed away. It's sad. Although he was made fun of for so many years, he was one of the icons of my (our) youth. His was a tragic story. A physical limitation, greedy, unscrupulous parents, and a public who likes to watch people fall. I will never understand our fascination with failure. Don't get me wrong, I am not being critical. I have always been more intrigued with stories of lost fortunes than made ones. I can't help thinking that's not a good thing and I for one will no longer participate.

I have a son who is an aspiring actor, one who is an aspiring musician, and two daughters who have no idea what stage fright is. I will never push them in the direction of child stardom. If they choose it, I will come along as protector.

So, my point is that maybe facebook (or other social media) is the news source of the future. Of course, it will never work as long as people try to inject their opinions into everything (think Wikipedia.) But it's a good way of getting the people's pulse.

Today I'm working a big event from 11-3 and then I'm free the rest of the long weekend. Maybe do a little swimming with the kids. Go to church and visit some friends tomorrow. Maybe go camping. Who knows?

Yesterday, I listened to a CD of Lorel Langmyer (sp?) giving financial advice. I wasn't all that impressed. Maybe I missed something, but she seemed to say nothing of value. I listened to an interesting discussion on caring for elderly parents - yes, it really was interesting - on Grace FM. I listened to classical music, Joel Osteen, and I discovered my Hemingway CD has a scratch in it the size of the Panama Canal. Very disappointing.

Day # 3 was easy. It's all a matter of keeping your mind occupied with good things. After all, an idle mind is the devil's playground.

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