Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day # 131 - Lead Us Not Into Incompetence

All your life you will find yourself dealing with incompetent people. We can't all be Einsteins; Lord knows I'm not, but there's something worse thant plain old incompetence and that's incompetence coupled with authority, arrogance, or ignorance, or worse, all three.

You'll always recognize this because the offender will blame their ignorance on what you are doing. You will explain yourself or your action or your report or whatever. It will be obvious they don't get it, and they will respond with, "I'll get back to you," or "I'll look into it," and they drop the subject completely. People like this have the power to ruin your day if you let them.

The key is: don't let them. Know that they are a test and take it upon yourself to educate the poor fools. I say they are a test because sometimes God will use certain people which are in certain spots to test your resolve, your faith, or your confidence. Accept that it's a test, don't fly off the handle, and do your best at everything.

I am not implying that I am perfect or all-knowing. I have probably been the fool in someone else's scenario more than once, but we won't get into that. My point is that everything should be taken as a growth and learning opportunity and the most should be made of it. Look at these people as teachers, the course is What Not To Do 101. Pay close attention in this class. You'll be glad you did.

Make it your best day, in spite of the turkeys. God bless you.

- Adolfo


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