Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day # 219 - Changing

Too much happening at once can get the best of anyone. We can't all have the patience of Gandhi, or Mother Teresa, or whomever else happens to be patient. It's always been a weak spot for me. I have always been impatient and temperamental. My temper has often been violent. It used to be one of those blinding emotions. I would lose it to the point that I didn't know what I was doing. With time, I would still lose it, but I started hearing a voice trying to calm me. With more time, I've learned not to ignore the voice. I still get angry, of course, but it's under control.

In this time of resolutions, we hear about weight loss and quitting smoking. If this little project of mine has taught me anything, it's that we need to not look at symptoms but at the source of the problem. I found that much of the negativity I was feeling was a result of my obsession with things that made me unhappy, or aggravated. By eliminating news, then caffeine, then limiting the amount of junk I eat, I have slowly improved myself. I am not at my goal yet, but I am getting there. I am approaching a better me slowly and steadily, which means my gains will be sustainable.

If you want to lose weight, don't think in terms of pounds, think in terms of lifestyle. Do you sit on the couch with a bag of Fritos? Do you drink a lot of soda? Are you getting enough water?

Is money your issue? Do a budget. Yes, it's tedious, but it beats the snot out of being broke all the time.

Are you a negative person? Decide that you will be positive from now on. It is absolutely that simple. Decide that you will be happy and declare it out loud. Don't listen to negative words or music; read uplifting books. Accept and embrace the fact that life will give you lemons, then open up a lemonade stand and share the happiness.

The second day of the year is as good a time as any. Don't make resolutions, make the decision, the determination, and get to work. If you think self-improvement is hard, I can assure you it's easier than the status quo. It's just a matter of forming new habits - One at a time.

Let me know how it goes.

God bless you. Make it a great day. And remember the mantra: Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

- Adolfo

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