Thursday, January 13, 2011

Days 227 - 229 - Emergence

I've had a couple of messages asking if I'm okay. I appreciate the concern. I'm fine. I've just been a combination of very busy and in the cave, dealing with lots of thoughts and emotions.

The cave is that place men go to when we have sorrow or pain. It's not over, though. There is still a funeral to attend and family to see, it will be a big part of the healing process. It will be, for me, a step closer to acceptance.

Often when we have pain to deal with, we busy ourselves with life and work, avoiding the pain and prolonging the healing. I am not trying to do this. Ignoring this won't make it go away, and imagine how insulting it would be to the memory of the departed if those who stay behind choose to not go on living.

The reason for my not writing is simply that I was out on the road early and working long hours. I have not retreated from my commitment, especially with only 135 or so days to go. I'm way past the point of no return.

I am, however, tired, and I want to go back to bed.

God bless you.

- Adolfo

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