Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day # 163 - Stitches

I got a call from the school yesterday. Melissa hurt herself on the playground and the nurse felt it was serious enough that we should get her to urgent care. The nurse was right and Melissa ended up needing 5 stitches on her right knee. She was a trooper about it, only crying when the doctor injected the injured area. Who can blame her for that?

Abby joined the party, of course, and so did little Emily, who was jumping with joy when she found out her big sister was going to get shots. Once she saw her big sister getting the shots and crying, her joy evaporated and she was in tears, too. All I could do was laugh and make bad jokes - so I was normal, I guess.

Humor as a defense mechanism is nothing new. I use it all the time, in negotiations, job interviews, in arguments. I guess the situation was stressful, no one wants to see their child suffer, and some might say I should take things more seriously, but the truth is I did take this seriously. That's why my daughter was in the hands of a doctor.

Life will throw curves at us, especially those of us with kids. However, if you let these things stress you out or beat you down, they'll kill you. If you choose to laugh when others cry, you'll have better stories to tell your daughter's boyfriends one day fifty years from now when they're finally allowed to have boyfriends. What? Does that sound unreasonable? Fine. Let's make it sixty years from now. I never really understood jealousy until I became a father of daughters.

So laugh. Make the cheesy jokes and giggle yourself silly. It's a great way to deal with the destructive force that is stress. It's a wonderful release. It beats pulling your hair out or being cranky. Then, take the kid out for ice cream and get one for yourself. You will see that all is right in the world and life is beautiful.

God bless you. Now Laugh!

- Adolfo

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