Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 166 - From Ambition to Meaning

Wayne Dyer calls it "The Shift," the time in your life when your focus shifts from ambition to meaning. It's a revelation of sorts. You stop caring so much about what you can have and start caring more about what you can give.

Of course, I still have ambition. I want to be great at what I do. I want to earn a living and my family will endure no hardship because of my shift. On the contrary, the more I focus on the welfare of others, the more God will bless my family. I have seen this working in my life and it will continue working in my life. The question now is one of degrees.

I don't care for the toys. I never really have, but I care less than ever. I don't want the nice cars, the boat, the summer home. None of it holds my interest anymore. I still want to see the world and have a nice dinner now and then, but I'll see it in my little car. Hold the Cadillac.

Abby and I sat up late last night talking and we both agreed: we've reached a point in our life where the only motivation to make lots of money is to give lots of money away. We aren't ready to give too much away yet, but we are working on it. We are getting our house in order so that it may serve the Lord, and all of humanity. Our legacy need not be an inheritance of money. Our legacy will be one of character. Our children will be able to say their parents made a difference.

Have you found your meaning? Have you decided what you will do to make the world better? I know you say you want to make the world a better place; everyone does. What everyone doesn't do is get to the business of doing it. Choose your passion and give a little bit of yourself or a little bit of your money to it. I am not talking about contributions to politicians if you have a passion for politics. In this area, I would recommend giving your time in order to build your sphere of influence. Volunteer to help kids learn to read. Sponsor a little league team, or coach one. Counsel teenage moms. Lock yourself in your room and pray.

The world needs you and your talents and your dreams. Don't let them go to waste. The time to start is now.

- Adolfo


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