Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day # 171 - What Not To Change

This exercise has been about change. Change is constant and would be happening to me anyway, but I decided to take the wheel and guide myself to the right kind of changes. I was in class yesterday at church. It's a class on personal finance, and, being a reformed banker, it's amazing that I already know and understand everything we're "learning," but was trained by my employers to convince my clients that the opposite was good for them.

After class, the subject of finances for single people came up. I gave the singles in the class one bit of advice: learn good money habits, and when you meet the person you will spend your life with, make sure they share your good habits, don't allow their uninformed habits to rub off on you.

As the years pass, we mature. (Nothing obvious about that statement.) But sometimes, we can lose track of our goals or trade in our good habits as our lives get busier. We can get so caught up in a moment, a movement, a person, a relationship, a problem, or countless other things, that we trade off out principles, or lose sight of them. You need to stay focused on what is right and what works and never let go of that.

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