Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day # 101 - Masterpiece

Coach John Wooden, who lead the UCLA Men's Basketball program to ten championships and became a mentor to millions through his books and his teachings, used to tell his players, "Make each day your masterpiece." He explained that you must give 100% every day. You cannot give 50% today and 150% tomorrow. One hundred percent is all you can ever give.

Are you giving 100% every day? At work? To your kids? To your health? I know I am guilty of living a half-life. It's what motivates me to be up at this time in the morning on a Sunday writing instead of watching TV or sleeping (not that I'm much of a sleeper.) Wanting to give and get 100% every day is why I have cut out TV and why I read more and more books and have more and more conversations with friends old and new. I want to make each day my masterpiece.

When you start your day off late, yelling at your kids to hurry up, pissed off at the traffic in front of you, rushing to work, gossiping with co-workers about co-workers, doing a half-hearted job, and hated every minute of it, you are not living a masterpiece. You are living a piece of garbage.

When your day ends with three hours of mindless TV sitcoms which are more sarcastic than funny, which are negative, raunchy, recycled, unimaginative crap, your are a million miles from your masterpiece. I don't mean to be critical. I've been there, done that. If it's what you want your life to be - enjoy. But if this is how you live and you wonder why you're stuck in a job you hate, or why your relationships are stale, wonder no more. Begin creating your personal daily masterpiece. Begin making the subtle changes that will snowball into a new you.

101 days of this have given me time to reflect. I know that although I have made improvements, I have lost direction a couple of times. I need to continually refocus and make course corrections. Otherwise, it's like being in college and taking random classes with no focus or major. Sure, you learn stuff, but do you really get any better?

So, remember what Coach Wooden taught us: Make each day your masterpiece.

Make today your first masterpiece. God bless you.

- Adolfo

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