Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day # 112 - The Main Street Journal

I've always, inconsistently, kept a journal or a diary. I have books full of thoughts, poetry, ideas, rants & raves. I was never as disciplined about it as I should have been. I haven't been disciplined in general. I'm working on it. As I've mentioned several times, this blog is about discipline. I started a journal on September 3 and I am being good about it. I write down the day's victories, the day's lessons, and my thoughts. I may jot down notes in it at different times of the day. I write my goals, big or small, and dreams in it.

I do this for the same reason I write: It's a positive behavior. It's a small step toward where I want to be. It's a way of exercising discipline. And discipline is what I need.

While this blog is a sort of journal, I needed something private. I needed to raise the level of my self-talk, and my journal is how I do it. While I may vent here, nothing but the very positive is allowed in the journal. It's a road map, wish list, and blueprint for the future, and it is a trail of breadcrumbs to the positive lessons of yesterday.

Write it down. Whatever it is, you'll be glad you did.

God bless you. Make it your best day yet.

- Adolfo

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