Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day # 125 - The Case for Optimism

I used to be of the belief that an optimist is someone who is always disappointed. Somehow that idea was stuck in my head at a young age and it stayed with me for a long time. I imagine the reasoning is that life can't meet optimistic expectations, better to be pessimistic and pleasantly surprised.

I know now what a load of crap that is.

Optimism is, of course, about positive expectations and outlook, but there's more to it than that. Optimism is making the best of what you are given. I expected X but got Y. Rather than complain, be thankful it wasn't Z. Oh, no! Anything but the dreaded Z! Optimism is a choice, it's not predetermined. Sure, some of us have a tendency to be darker than others. I know, I am one of those people who tend toward dark thoughts, anger, and cynicism. Positivity is a choice and it's sometimes hard work. Sometimes I have the need to vent my anger. The difference between now and a couple of years ago is that I get the anger out of my system and move on. I don't dwell on things.

My father always told me that temper tantrums will kill a person. I don't know how factual his statement is, but I tend to agree. Sure, you can have a heart attack even if you're the happiest guy in the world, but something tells me it's more likely if you're an angry sort of fellow. Besides, might as well have fun until the moment arrives. Angry people don't have fun. Pessimistic people don't have fun.

If misery loves company, isolate it and let it die. Choose happiness.

Today's Lessons:

- Choose optimism. I promise you will not be disappointed.
- Smile. It's the first step to a positive outlook.
- Hang around positive people. It's contagious.


- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.
- I am blessed with a positive outlook and positive expectations.

Make it your best day yet, and remember, the best way to do that is by making the best of whatever kind of day it is.

God bless you.

- Adolfo

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