Friday, July 16, 2010

Day # 50 - Lemons

I can't sleep. I fell asleep a little on the early side and now here I am. My daughter woke me around 1:00 AM and that was that. I read a little after attempting to sleep and I am here, making lemonade out of this morning's lemons. I would rather be asleep, no denying that, but rather than laying awake in bed, I am here.

All our lives, we will be given lemons. What we do with them is up to us. I have always had sleep issues but since I don't like pills, I dealt with it. For years I would lay awake or watch TV. Now, I read or write. If God has given me this time, I see no sense in wasting it. This is a time to be productive, when the world is asleep and there are no interruptions.

What are your lemons? What's keeping you up? In my case it's typically biology, it's how I'm built. Or is it? I have demons like anyone else and they scream the loudest when the world is quietest. How productive would it be to lay there and listen to the problems echoing in my head? I can't solve them now. They will be there in the morning and I will deal with them then. Trying to deal with them now would only hyper me up and keep me awake longer. To every thing, there is a time.


- When life gives you lemons, and it will, make lemonade. Lemonade makes something bitter into something sweet.
- Don't fight yourself, change yourself. If you can't change something, embrace it and make it work for you.

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.
- I will make the best of everything I am given today and every day.

Enjoy your lemonade.

Make it your best day yet. God bless you.

- Adolfo

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