Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day # 65 - Contagion III

I've written before about the contagious nature of moods. We've all said or heard, "You're bringing me down." Or, "I'm here to cheer you up." We can set a mood and have our mood altered by the people around us. This not only applies to friends, it applies to people who stand in line ahead of or behind us. It applies to customers and co-workers. It definitely applies to other drivers when we're stuck in traffic.

I witnessed this firsthand yesterday as a troublesome client got the better of one of my co-workers. He's usually a very nice guy but this particular client has managed to upset every person who works there. Except me. I find this person fascinating. I'm pretty sure she has some kind of mental condition. Or, as my co-workers so gently put it: she's nuts.

It's obvious that we shouldn't let other people determine our mood for us - unless, of course, they are spreading happiness and joy, in which case we welcome it. But if a person is difficult and disagreeable, you must let it slide.

Here goes:

A person is unpleasant. You can't stand this person. They put you in a bad mood and now you are unpleasant. Congratulations, you have become that which you despise. You failed.


A person is unpleasant. You can't stand this person. You attempt to kill them with kindness. It doesn't work. Tell yourself that they are a temporary guest in your life. They will soon be gone.

See, if you allow this person to put you in a bad mood, the unpleasantness lasts a lot longer than if you view them as a blip on your screen. Try to determine the rest of their day if you can, but, whatever you do, don't allow them to determine even a minute of yours.

Another thing, if this person is crazy or mentally ill as I suspect with this particular person, do not hold it against them. It's no different than hating a person because of their skin or eye color or some other uncontrollable factor. Include this person in your prayers and direct your positivity at them. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Today's Lessons:

- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- Be a positive influence rather than a receptacle for negative influence.
- Try to find the good in every person and every situation.

Today's Lessons:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.
- I determine my mood. No one can determine it for me.
- I am in control of my emotions, my reactions, and the impression I make on others.

Spread the joy. Kill the sorrow and anger. We are all looking for ways to change the world. This is where you start.

- Adolfo

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