Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day # 14 - Reading the signs. What about half-foods?

God has a way of communicating with us that is subtle and can often be missed. I believe in my quest to become a better person and become God-actualized, I am learning to read the signs, but I know I have a way to go.

I remember speaking to a friend of mine when we were teenagers and having this endless conversation about destiny. When I say endless, I am fairly sure this conversation is still going on in some other dimension of the multiverse. The question was whether we can truly change our destiny, or whether we are (ahem) destined to land at a certain spot and nothing we do between here are there can change the final destination.

I think the preceding paragraph illustrates why the conversation was endless, or at least felt that way.

I think everyone has a destiny, sort of. I believe in self-determination and free will. And while I believe God has a hand in everything we experience, He respects our free will and allows us to make our own mistakes and suffer the consequences. Oh, and if we screw up our lives, it's our fault. There is no blaming it on fate, or God, or bad luck. If there is indeed such a thing as Destiny, it is yours to command. Think of it as a ship, and you are the captain. Sometimes the seas will be rough, sometimes they will be calm, but follow your compass and you will arrive where you are meant to arrive.

Which of course leaves us with the question: How do we know where we're going? And the answer is beautiful and elegant in its simplicity and it's the only answer that could satisfy us: We don't.

I am learning to let go of the worry, I am learning to leave things I can't control in God's hands. I am learning to use The Force, Luke! Of course, I don't intend to do nothing, I will continue to work as hard as I ever have, if not harder. I will continue to better myself and work on my personal development. School ends, but education goes on. What are you doing to improve yourself today?

Abby stayed home yesterday. I managed to get her out of bed and we went to Whole Foods to walk around. A lot of healthy people there, which isn't surprising. A lot of not so healthy people there (like me) which is also not surprising, but encouraging. If you haven't been there, it's a supermarket with more organic and healthy or vegan choices than your local market. I was inspired by being there. Seeing the dedicated makes me want to be dedicated.

Baby steps. I haven't mastered my mind yet. Throwing the body into the mix would just cause confusion, so I will continue my early-morning walks with Baxter, start going to the YMCA again, and see where it goes from there. I will make you one promise right now: I will not, under any circumstances, eat tofu. (The exception being someone offering me insane amounts of money, in which case, serve it up!)

Today's lessons:

- Learn to listen to God. If you don't want to call the power in the universe God, fine. Listen to the still, small voice. It will never steer you wrong.
- Accept that you do control your destiny. We are not pawns in a cosmic chess match, we are not toys or characters in a dream or any other such nonsense. We are beings of light (as Yoda said) and we decide the direction of our lives. You determine if your life will be good or bad. Start with today. Say to yourself: "Today will be a great day." Keep repeating it, even if you don't believe it at first. It's working, trust me.
- Baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither were your bad habits. If you are willing to change, things will change for you. But you have to make the first move.

Don't forget to make your declarations:

Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
I have favor in the eyes of people I meet today.
I am in control of my life.
I am in control of my emotions.
I am in control of my destiny.

Make it the best day ever!

- Adolfo

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