Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day # 34 - It's when things seem easiest that they are toughest

It's been over a month since I began this project. In that time, I have kicked one habit (news) and one addiction (caffeine.) I am more positive and as a result I find more doors opening. I am finding more opportunities. Happiness is following me around.

That's what concerns me. Maybe it's the old, dying, pessimistic side of my personality hanging on for dear life. Maybe it's my ADD, or my hyperactive imagination. Maybe I'm doubting myself because a lifetime of negative conditioning, by myself and by others, isn't easy to overcome. Whatever it is, I can't ignore it. This must be dealt with.

It's when we are doing well that the enemy strikes hardest. In the time since I started this project, I have been hit with a lot. None of it life-threatening, but very serious nonetheless. Things that could shake the foundations of your faith and make you wonder whether all this is worth it. I think it is worth it. Problems will always happen. Your mindset and attitude will not exempt you from life's inconveniences, but they will influence how you react to them.

I knew this project would be a huge commitment, but I promised myself I would see it through. All my life I have been too casual about making and keeping promises and this cannot be. If a man is only as good as his word then I've had more than my share of good and bad. Now it's time to be nothing but good.

It's time to take the "365 No News Project" to the next level. This project almost immediately stopped being about news and became about something bigger.

I am promising you, dear reader, that not only will I stay away from caffeine and negative influences, I plan to get in shape - physically, that is. I've lost five pounds in the last month just from giving up caffeine, soda, and fast food. The next step is exercise. I weighed myself Saturday and I was at 231 pounds. I promise I will be below 200 by the end of my 365 days.

What kind of example am I to my kids, how can I presume to give advice on how to live a better, more disciplined life if I can't control my body weight? What kind of hypocrite does that make me?


- Don't get cocky. It's when you are at your best that the enemy will try to bring you down.
- Self improvement does not happen solely in your mind and attitude. Your body should be in the best condition. Just as we don't want to invite negative, destructive elements into our mind, we don't want to invite them into our bodies.
- Self discipline is a lifestyle choice. It cannot be selectively applied.

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better
- Starting today, I will be disciplined in my mind and in my body.
- Today and every day, I will make small positive changes in my life. These small changes will snowball into a new me.

The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep

- Robert Frost

I am a long way from finished. I don't expect to ever be complete. Forever shall I evolve for the complete man is finished.

Make it your best day ever. God bless you.


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