Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day # 70 - Attraction

We all attract something. What we attract is determined by our demeanor, our attitude, and our expectations. I am a sales guy, though not in the traditional sense. I don't try to close the sale. I don't really try to overcome objections. I don't do boiler room thing. I just am. What am I? Myself, of course. I am more interested in making you happy than in closing you. As a result, I see less prospects than the average sales guy, but I have a higher close ratio. It doesn't work for the high-pressure types. They need to be in someone's face all the time. I just want to be your friend.

This has always been my approach, and as a result, I have rarely found myself in confrontations. I rarely deal with jerks. I deal with friends. This isn't just in sales, this applies to life in general. You attract what you are. Misery loves company, but so does joy. I choose to work with agreeable people. I choose to be liked by my clients. I believe negotiation doesn't need to be adversarial and that scripted sales calls are an offense to the person you are selling to. If you aren't yourself, you'll never know who you're supposed to be. It's like having to remember all the lies you told: more trouble than it's worth.

Today's Lessons:

- This above all: To thine own self be true.
- You will attract what you are and what you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with winners and you will be a winner. If you are a winner, you will attract winners. The opposite, of course, is true.
- Make friends of prospects and you will make clients of friends.

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.
- I am in the business of making friends.
- I am surrounded by positive people. They positively influence me and I positively influence them.

You attract what you are and you are what you surround yourself with, consume, and think. Make the right choice in the beginning and the rest will fall into place.

Make it your best day. God bless you.

- Adolfo

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