Friday, August 6, 2010

Day # 72 - Micromanagement

I love micromanagement. I think it's great when you hire a person, which is in essence an endorsement of that person's history, background, and qualifications, and then let your actions tell them you don't trust them.

I know of a really big bank where micromanagement is the standard. A friend of mine actually applied for a job there and was told he would be micromanaged. They weren't kidding. I have friends and family who work for this bank and they are literally on 4 - 6 conference calls per day. The reason for the calls? To ask what they're doing, report the numbers, make up lies, excuses, etc.

It reminds me of what Princess Leia said, "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." She was talking to General Tartan and still had something of a British accent this early in the movie (Episode IV.)

The fact is you cannot control everything and all micromanaging does is alienate the person being managed. It doesn't work in business, in family affairs, or in relationships. It simply cannot be.

Just as it is advisable to let go of the things we don't or shouldn't care about, we need to loosen our grip on the things we love the most. Only then are they free to love us back.

Micromanagers are insecure and generally incompetent. They would rather be elbow-deep in your business than tend to their own, probably for fear of being discovered for the frauds they typically are. Of course, some are competent, they're just idiots who don't trust anyone.

It's obvious today's post has veered in the direction of business and management. It's okay, these are parts of our lives - definitely a part of mine. And you have to have a happy work life to be happy. Amen?

Today's Lessons:

- Surround yourself with great people and then trust them. Some of them may let you down, but most of them will surprise you.
- Show respect for people by giving them their independence.
- Respect free will.

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.
- I trust and respect the people around me and I know they will do their best for me.

So, don't be a micromanager. No one will like you. Have fun and believe in people. You won't be disappointed - at least not as often as you fear.

Make it your best (hands off) day yet. God bless you.

- Adolfo

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