Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day # 76 - Opportunity

Opportunity has a way of showing up at what seems like a bad time, an inopportune time. The truth is, opportunity always shows up at the right time but we are often not prepared or we are too scared to take the plunge. This can be in business, in relationships, at our jobs, or in any other aspect of life.

The truth is, you are never ready for monumental change. Nothing in the world prepares us for watershed moments. It's hard to prepare for what you have never experienced. Notice I said it's hard, it's not impossible. The one way you can prepare is mentally.

You need to have the right mindset. Keep reminding yourself that you are capable of succeeding at whatever comes your way. Even if it feels like the opportunity is never going to come, stay prepared. Like an army that is always training for a war that may never come. If the need arises, there is no, "Wait a minute while I figure out how to load my rifle."

I have missed countless opportunities because of my own preconceived notion of what being ready is supposed to look like. I have looked at opportunities and listed the "Cons" without listing the "Pros." I have purposely sabotaged myself because of this idiotic notion that the right opportunity would come along when I was 100% ready.

Guess what? Ain't no such thing as 100% ready. When it's time to go, you go. Grab your parachute and make for the door. Worry about whether it will open once you're on the way down.

Today's Lessons:

- Each opportunity only knocks once. If it's not for you, fine. But never let fear or the feeling that you are unprepared keep you from pursuing the opportunity.
- Failure is an opportunity to begin again again more intelligently.
- Many people miss opportunity because it is dressed as work.
- An opportunity coming along is not a guarantee of success. It's only a shot at success.

Today's Declarations:

- Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.
- I will have the courage to accept opportunities that come my way.
- I will spend a portion of each day preparing for the opportunities that God is sending my way. And I will create opportunities for myself.

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