Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day # 206 - Can't Sleep

My daughter Melissa loves to talk about how she's going to stay up all night watching movies. Every time she does this she ends up snoring by nine. Her regular bedtime is 8:30, so I don't sweat it. I fell asleep early last night, around ten, and here I am. If I'd gone to sleep at midnight and woken up at 5:00, it wouldn't bother me, but I've been up since two and I really had my heart set on sleeping.

Did I psych myself out? I don't think so. I fell asleep reading in bed, not because I went to bed to sleep.

I don't even know the point of what I'm trying to say here. Maybe I have no point.

I don't like pills. I could drink tea but I just don't feel like making it. I think I'll go back to sleep, or back to bed.

I always say that it's good to use this time, when you can't sleep, productively. It's a good time to read, pay bills, write a blog, operate heavy machinery, practice juggling chainsaws. Maybe skip the last two. But the truth is that although I am tired and cranky and complaining, these quiet hours are a gift. Everyone is asleep, the phone's not ringing, there is nothing urgent to deal with, and all there is is me and my thoughts. It's a productive time if used properly; destructive if not.

Hopefully, you're reading this at a decent hour. If not, go do something productive. Actually, whatever time it is, be productive. It's a sure ticket to happiness.

God bless you. Make it a great day. Sleep tight.

- Adolfo

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