Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day # 208 - A New Challenge

208 days of this and the complaint is still the same: I don't know what to write about. This may be the hardest thing I've ever committed to. And the next project just dawned on me: I am going to get organized. This is something I have half-heartedly worked on for a while, but now, I'm going to get serious about it.

I am a capable person. I believe I have a fair amount of talent, though I am not sure how to define my talent. I am a quick learner, a curious person. I could be great... if I could just remember where I left that piece of paper.

There is no doubt in my mind that I have lost deals or sales or money in my life time due to my lack of organization. Somehow that was never reason enough for me to straighten myself out. It should be reason enough, but even at this point it doesn't really motivate me. I want to organize myself because I know I should. Because it will make my life easier. Because it will make me more productive. Because my cluttered desk is making me bonkers!

So now the quest for neatness begins. I have already moved in this direction, but now I am being more serious and deliberate about it.

I'll let you know how it goes. Tomorrow and the day after, we'll talk about bridges.

God bless you. Make it your best, most organized day yet.

- Adolfo

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